When I was in my
secondary school, my father used to own a big motorbike. It was high and heavy.
As I kid I was curious about how to drive it so I annoyed my dad about that. He
told me how to drive it, gave me his helmet, and let me drove it around to test
it. I drove it around our house, which was national road number 7, for a few
minutes. As I was reaching my house, my mum and the neighbors told me to stop
driving it because it was dangerous. But my dad said to me “daughter you don’t
need to stop driving it, instead drive it more often so that you get used to
it. Just remember to wear helmet, drive very slow, and stick to the side of road.
If you are careful enough, you won’t fall down”
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011
Hot Line? Emergency contact?
A few months ago, when my family
was driving from Phnom Penh toward Kampong Cham province at about 11pm, we saw
a man in his min 40 maybe beating a woman who looked like 30 years old or
something. My father stopped the car and had a look on what really happening. My
mum noticed that the woman whisper the world “Help”. I then search for polices
numbers from other people who might have them. After about 5mn, I got two
numbers which are hot line police for emergency cases. I was glad to get the
number, but guess what? Nobody pick up both phones. I call and call and call
many times, still no answer. That man walked to our car and told us “This is my
family issue, just go.” My father decided to open the car window and told that
man the he already called polices and polices are coming. That man picked her up
from the ground, started his motorbike and quickly left that place. We followed
while I keep trying to call that two hot line numbers. After about 2kilomaters,
we realize that his motorbike was very very fast which could cause accident and
the woman was behind him without the helmet, so we decided to stop following;
otherwise, we would driver faster as we follow. I was sad that we couldn’t help
much; but more importantly, that the hot line isn’t helpful. Polices were
Last night at about 11pm, I got a
call from a friend who relative was missing since 6pm. The lost girl was 17
years old. History has shown that she cannot be running with someone else since
she has never had a boyfriend or any issues within her family. Her family of
course files a complaint to the police office in her village already. My friend
asked if I know any numbers for emergency contact or any assistant to find her.
My sister, my brother in law, my boyfriend, and I spend one hour looking for
hot line numbers whom we hope might be able to do something. We found many hot
line numbers included head of police in that village, child abuse hot line,
child help line, human trafficking hot line, ministry, and a lot more NGOs. My
friends called to all the number I gave her, and guess what? Nothing works.
Most of the hot line numbers ring without anyone answering the phone, the
police said he already told his team to work on it but he was at home sleeping,
the ministry said please file a complaint tomorrow, some NGOs said it is
outside of our coverage area. After mid night, we lose hope and stop trying to
call. It is morning now. That little girl has lost for 15 hours already. If
that was a human trafficking act, she might end up in prostitute already.
Shame on hot line numbers! How do
they dare to put their numbers in the Emergency Contact list and call
themselves “Hot Line” if they don’t even pick up the phone? Where and who can
we, poor people, reach for help in such cases?
Thursday, 4 August 2011
A better country starts from each of us
Being a part of Initiatives of
Change Association (ICA) for many years now has been one of the greatest
moments in my life. What made me so proud isn’t the title of a president, but
the opportunity which has been given by this association to witness the
greatness, kindness, friendliness, and a lot of commitments by young people of
Cambodian in seeking a better country starting from them. Last weekend, ICA Food
Program committee had organized the 6th annual food program at
Cambodian-Russian Hospital. I usually cannot help much except I do test the
food they cook and taking their pictures. It just a short periods of time, the
committee have been working very hard and resulted in having enough
contribution to cook food for about 300 patients in that hospital.
HIV Patients |
The food itself wasn’t really the
main point of this program. What matters most is that those patients were
visited and served by young people who don’t even know them but sharing the
same nationality – Khmer. Most of the patients are poor people who were affected
by HIV and TB disease. Let me go back into history a little bit to show the
connection of why offering food related to helping Cambodia.
I’m sure we all know the regimes
of 1975-1979 – Pol Pot regime. We all acknowledge that Pol Pot and his crew
were the major cause of such a terrible leadership, but how could several
people managed to get support by millions and turned the country into a zero
year? Several people cannot kill 2 million people….right? In a radio drama which was produced base on
true story by the Women Media Center called “The last road” and together with my
reading of some history books plus my family experiences in that regime, I came
to realize that the killing of 2 million people were possible because of the hatred
of poor people against rich people. In that mentioned drama, the poor people
joined revolution military to revenge the rich who, in the previous regimes,
enjoyed their luxury and not caring at all for the poor. The gap between the
rich and poor were very huge. Many people were poor and lots of young people
were jobless.
Kids who comes to the hospital with their family |
I deeply thank, on behalf of ICA,
to all the contributors who have made this program possible for 6 years and
more in the future. A very big thank to the organizing committee who have contributed
their time and energy to organizing this.
A better country starts from each of us!
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Am I doing the right thing?

My fans are also starting to depend so much on me. They have tried to get my phone number from whoever they could ask. That includes my sisters, brother in law, boyfriend, sponsor, my staffs, and more. My family got called during work and late night for people needing help urgently. Who I am, to be able to help everybody? The purpose of my work at the show is to help people becoming an independent and strong person. In contrast, people are becoming weaker because they expect that I will be able to help them in whatever they need.
I now rethink and I need help to make decision. Shall I continue my work at the radio as a consultant? I have been an educator. Shall I be just an entertainer?
Sunday, 29 May 2011
I have enrolled in World Philosophy class this term. Today I have learned something very interesting: Determination. It is a philosophy which explained that human being is just like a computer. You are able to use computer to type an article because this computer were programmed for typing.
Human being can never escape their shadow. Every things they do or decide are base on their past which including family, education, environment, and people they have met before. A lazy person cannot suddenly become a hard working person if she wasn’t influenced by the advice from her parents or maybe a good book she read. Determinism believes that we are always influenced by things around us. People are different from each other because they met different people, read different book, and live in different environment. Therefore, people do not have free-will. We are who we are depending on our past. We have been programmed by our past like a computer has been programmed by programmer. According to determinism, our past and environment is our programmer.
This theory teaches me that while we are programmed by others, we also program them. We help to shape people we meet and talk to. If you are a good person, you are influencing the person next to you to become a good person too. We all influence each other, so why not be a good responsible person? Doing good things help us become a good person, and it will also influence other people.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
We will never stop fighting for our rights
Yesterday evening (02.04.2011) at around 5:30pm, a group of about 15 security polices from Khan Don Penh came to our dancing place to warn us not to put the music on. I asked one of them who named was Chantha. Here was the conversation:
Me: Why are we not allowed to plays music while the state music was loudly plays the Korean song right in front of Wat Putum?
Security police Chantha: Because he got order from the Mayor of Phnom Penh
Me: And why he order so?
Security police Chantha: Because when the mayor exercises he doesn’t need music
Me: But that is him not us. Where is the letter than he made order?
Security police Chantha: I don’t know. If you play the music, I will collect your equipment then you can complain later.
To be noted that this police security was standing on the green grass when talking to us.
Me: Pu, this green grass is not allowed to step on.
Security police Chantha: I am the care taker of this garden; I have the rights to step on it.
Then, he walked away à we followed
After walking here and there, they (security polices) took off. We started to play our music and dance. This time we played the smaller speakers. I then called to four Parliamentarian members to ask whether this is this regulation that music is not allowed. Four of them said “NO, there isn’t.” I then called Madam Mu Sochua, elected parliamentarian. I don’t care if she is from the opposition party, but all we need was someone to protect us. At that moment, she was the only one I could reach. She came to have a look at our dancing place. After a while when we was dancing, the security polices came again. While stepping down their cars, they may have seen Madam Mu Sochua, they got back in the cars, took off, and never come back again till we finish dancing.
We need an explanation why music is not allowed? Is it true that the Mayor did really make an order? If the music is too loud or we dance too late, we can negotiate. Therefore, we are collection the thumb print of our supporters and will submit this thumb print together with a request letter to the City Hall of Phnom Penh on Monday. As of today (03.04.2011 at 11am), we have got 106 thump print. We will continue to collect the thump print and will go to the city hall on Monday morning.
We you would like to give your support through your thumb print, please come to the Wat Butum park in front of Hong Kong Center from 5:30pm this evening.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
They suddenly tell us to stop playing music
While we were dancing at the public park yesterday evening, two polices came and told us “No more music from today.” Our dance teacher asked “Why?” and “Till when?” the two polices keep silent and only said that they got order to do so. They came with no paper, nothing else, but words from their mouths. They said we can dance but not allow playing music. Excuse me, how do you dance without music?
Exercise through dancing has become very popular in Cambodia, both and Phnom Penh and other provinces. It is more than just dancing. It has been a community where people feel together. That place was where I feel all are welcome and treated equally. You can find all kinds of people dancing together and teach each other when needed. There are very rich people who come with their body guard, famous singer who wear mask on their faces so that people don’t recognize them, street kids who beg for living (they dance for free), a 11 years old girl who has just had heart operation, a 13 years old boy who have been dancing here for 2 years, a group of gays and lesbians, students who dance to refresh their mind, my family, and even a few years old cute girl who just enjoy dancing along with her mother. There are really many more who have stories behind and who need to dance. I met a 20 years old adult man who quit using drug when he joins this place. We have all kind of level dancers, from expert down to people who have just broken their comfort zone and learn dancing. There was when I feel myself the most. People become healthier physically and mentally.
If we are not allowed to play music, how could we dance? We do not against the government or city hall regulation; but at least you need to explain us why? This is a public park. Do you understand what does PUBLIC means? I thought we are the public. When I say “We”, it is not just my family. “WE” the dancers who are about at least four hundred people need this place, and MUSIC.
Monday, 28 February 2011
What would you do?
Ritu lives in India and worked for an organization doing work for street children. The money she is earning from her work is paying back a loan she took from a bank to pay for her sister's weeding. She has been set the task by her boss to apply for much needed government funding for a project to help street children. Ritu gets in touch with the appropriate public servant. They say that they are willing to support the orphanage if she pays a bribe on behalf of the orphanage. Her boss tells her that she has to secure the project by paying the bribe.
If she pays the bribe:
-She keep her job
-She continues to be able to pay back her loan for the family
-She secures much needed finance to run the program for street children
-She goes against her value and is dishonest
If she doesn’t pay the bribe:
-She risk losing her job
-She will have to search for another way to pay back the loan
-The project for street children will not go ahead
-She lives out the values she believe in
What would you do if you were her?
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
ទេពកោសល្យដឹកនាំរបស់យុវតីខ្មែរ សម័យបច្ចុប្បន្ន
ភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ ចំពោះនាងខ្ញុំ គឺជាការជះឥទ្ធិពលទៅលើមនុស្ស ឲ្យពួកគាត់ ចេះប្រើប្រាស់សក្ដានុពលដ៏ប្រសើរបំផុតដែលខ្លួនមាន ធ្វើឲ្យជីវិតរបស់ខ្លួនបានប្រសើរឡើង តាមរយៈការគិតធំ ផ្ដើមធ្វើពីតូច "នេះគឺជាសម្ដីរបស់កញ្ញា នាង សុវត្ថានា ប្រធាន "សមាគមគំនិតផ្ដួចផ្ដើមនៃការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរ" នៅក្នុងបទសម្ភាសន៍មួយ ជាមួយអង្គការវិទ្យាស្ថានបើកទូលាយ ។ កញ្ញា ត្រូវបានមជ្ឈដ្ឋានជុំវិញ ទទួលស្គាល់ថា ជានារីឆ្នើមមួយរូប ដោយសារ ទេពកោសល្យដឹកនាំដ៏ប៉ិនប្រសប់របស់កញ្ញា ដែលមាន ទស្សនវិស័យ "គិតធំ ផ្ដើមធ្វើពីតូច" អនុញ្ញាតឲ្យកញ្ញាត្រូវបានជ្រើសតាំងជាប្រធានសមាគម ចូលប្រឡូកក្នុងពិភពការងារតាំងពីវ័យក្មេង ។
សុវត្ថានា បានដំណាលប្រាប់ អំពីដំណើរជីវិតការងាររបស់ ខ្លួន ដូច្នេះថា ៖ "...នាងខ្ញុំ ផ្ដើមធ្វើការងារពេញម៉ោង នៅឯសមាគមយុវជនខ្មែរ "ក្នុងឆ្នាំ២០០៤ ។ តាំងពីឆ្នាំ២០០៧មក នាងខ្ញុំ បាននិងកំពុងធ្វើការ ជាអ្នកជំនួយការកម្មវិធី "មូលនិធិ ហ្វ្រេឌិច ណៅមែន" ។ ក្នុងពេលជាមួយគ្នានេះ ដែរ នាងខ្ញុំ ក៏ជាប្រធានស្ម័គ្រចិត្តនៃ "សមាគមគំនិតផ្ដួចផ្ដើម នៃការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរ" ដែលជាអង្គការយុវជនស្ម័គ្រចិត្ត ស្ថិតនៅរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ និងមានការិយាល័យសាខាមួយ នៅខេត្តបាត់ដំបង ។ តាំងពីអាយុ១៥ឆ្នាំមក នាងខ្ញុំ បានចូលប្រឡូកក្នុងសកម្មភាពស្ម័គ្រចិត្តជាច្រើន មានជាអាទិ៍ ការបោះជំរំយុវជន សិក្ខាសាលា កិច្ចប្រជុំ ការបង្រៀនភាសាអង់គ្លេសនិងកុំព្យូទ័រ ជំនួយការគម្រោងអភិវឌ្ឍន៍នានា និងការបង្កើតគម្រោងជាច្រើនទៀតសម្រាប់យុវជន"។
ឈរលើទស្សនវិស័យច្បាស់លាស់របស់ខ្លួន កញ្ញា នាង សុវត្ថានា បានបង្ហាញពីបែបផែននៃទេពកោសល្យដឹកនាំរបស់ខ្លួនថា កញ្ញាប្រើប្រាស់ភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំរបស់កញ្ញា ដើម្បីជះឥទ្ធិពលដល់មនុស្ស ដោយការផ្ដល់ឲ្យអ្នកទាំងនោះ នូវគំរូវីរភាពណាមួយដែលបុគ្គលនោះពេញចិត្ត ហើយនិងលើកទឹកចិត្តឲ្យអ្នកទាំងនោះ ជឿជាក់លើសក្ដានុពលដ៏ប្រសើរបំផុតដែលខ្លួនមាន ។ កញ្ញាបានបន្ថែមទៀតថា ជាដំបូង កញ្ញាផ្សារភ្ជាប់ទំនាក់ទំនងផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន ជាមួយអ្នកទាំងនោះ តាមរយៈការចែករំលែករឿងរ៉ាវផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន និងការជួយពួកគេដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន។ កញ្ញាបានប្រកាន់យក នូវជំពូកអ្នកដឹកនាំមួយបែប ដែលកញ្ញាបានឲ្យដឹង ដូច្នេះថា ៖ "នាងខ្ញុំ ចង់ធ្វើជាអ្នកដឹកនាំមួយប្រភេទ ដែលគិតអំពីការបម្រើអ្នកនៅក្រោមបង្គាប់ ជាជាងការពង្រឹងការបង្គាប់បញ្ជារបស់ខ្ញុំទៅលើពួកគេ"។
ជាសមិទ្ធផល សុវត្ថានា បានប្រាប់ថា៖ "ឥទ្ធិពលទី១នៃការដឹកនាំរបស់នាងខ្ញុំ ដែលនាងខ្ញុំសង្កេតឃើញ គឺបន្លាស់ប្ដូរវិជ្ជមានជាច្រើន របស់យុវជនដែលនៅជុំវិញខ្លួន ។ ពួកគេ បានប្រែក្លាយ ការគ្រាន់តែចេះគិតគូរថែទាំអំពីខ្លួនឯង ឲ្យទៅជាការចេះយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ថែទាំសង្គមទាំងមូល ហើយបានចាប់ផ្ដើមស្វែងរកវិធីសាស្ត្រ ជួយធ្វើឲ្យប្រទេសកាន់តែប្រសើរឡើង ។ នាងខ្ញុំបានឃើញផ្ទាល់នឹងភ្នែកថា ប្រមាណ ១០នាក់ នៃយុវជនទាំងនោះ បានផ្ដើមគំនិតបង្កើតគម្រោងជាច្រើន ទាក់ទងនឹងការស្ម័គ្រចិត្តនានា ក្រោមកិច្ចសម្របសម្រួលពីសមាគម ។ ...ឥទ្ធិពលទី២នោះ គឺថា ភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំរបស់នាងខ្ញុំ ត្រូវបានប្រើប្រាស់ជាគំរូវីរភាព សម្រាប់យុវជនដទៃទៀត ដែលជំរុញឲ្យពួកគេធ្វើសកម្មភាពនិងជឿជាក់លើខ្លួនឯង"។
ក្រៅពីជោគជ័យ ដែលរៀបរាប់ទាំងអំបាលម៉ានខាងលើ សុវត្ថានា ក៏ជួបប្រទះនូវការប្រឈមមួយចំនួនដែរ ទាក់ទងនឹងការគ្រប់គ្រងពេលវេលា ។ ទោះបីជាខិតខំបែងចែកការងារទៅតាមអាទិភាពរបស់វាយ៉ាងណា ក្ដី កញ្ញាមានអារម្មណ៍ថា ខ្លួនពុំទាន់ចេះគ្រប់គ្រងពេលវេលាបានល្អ ពិសេសពេលធ្វើការងារច្រើនកន្លែង សិក្សា និងថែទាំប្អូនៗរបស់កញ្ញា ក្នុងពេលតែមួយជាមួយគ្នា ។ ថ្វីបើយេនឌ័រត្រូវបានកញ្ញាធ្លាប់គិតអាចជាឧបសគ្គដល់ភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំ កញ្ញាបានផ្លាស់ប្ដូរការគិតនេះ ក្រោយពីកញ្ញាបានចូលប្រឡូកការងារ ក្នុងស្ថាប័នអង្គការក្រៅរដ្ឋាភិបាល ហើយអះអាងថា ស្ត្រីត្រូវបានគេផ្ដល់អាទិភាពជាច្រើន។
កញ្ញា នាង សុវត្ថានា បានផ្ដល់ជាមតិយោបល់ថា ៖ "គ្មានអ្វីដែលអាចជួយស្ត្រីឡើយ ប្រសិនបើស្ត្រីមិនទទួលស្គាល់នូវគុណតម្លៃនិងសក្ដានុពលរបស់ខ្លួននោះ ។...ស្ត្រីត្រូវយល់ថា ការកើតមកជាស្ត្រី មិនមែនជាបន្ទុកទេ តែជាអត្ថប្រយោជន៍"៕
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