Thursday, 5 November 2009

Expectation and Jealousy

Everyone has expectation on whatever they are doing, whoever they are in relation with, wherever they go, and so on. Student expects high score from their exam, manager expects her staff to perform the best, couple expects faithfulness from each other, and more. Expectation inspires each individual to try harder to get what they expect. If they don’t have expectation; what for?

However, is having high expectation a mistake?

Students who expect A+ from their exam, if they get only A- which is already very good compare to others, they will be very upset and feeling very down. Some people said that having this high expectation make you feel very negative about yourself. Other point of view claims that having high expectation is a guarantee of high quality. This question “is having high expectation a mistake?” remained a flexible answer. Expectation motivates people to put a lot of effort. That’s why when their effort doesn’t pay off, they are upset. However, isn’t better than not putting any effort to avoid that you don’t get upset afterward. At least, people who have high expectation give it a try.

Where jealousy does comes from? Does it also created by expectation?

First of all, there is no clear definition of this word “jealousies” or maybe there is but I don’t know. So far I am not a jealous person (I assume). Only when I have very high expectation on boyfriend, I realize that my expectation created jealousy. Logically, the first person who comes shall be the first person to be served, regardless of who you are. If you date a person before I do, you will have him because I date him later than you; however, because I am a girlfriend I expected my boyfriend to be there for me even if I date him later or at least he should had in his mind that his girlfriend needs him. Before he accepts other’s date, I expect him to ask himself “do my girlfriend needs me at this time?” Well, this sounds of course very selfish and unreasonable. Base on this experience, I concluded that my expectation create jealousy. And jealousy is selfish and unreasonable.